Eagle Montessori Teaching Academy
Eagle Montessori Teaching Academy was founded in 2022 by Spring Education Group to provide quality Montessori Early Childhood teacher education. 

While the work and life of Dr. Maria Montessori is the inspiration for our teaching academy, it is the educators from the Montessori schools under the Spring Education Group umbrella that provide the expertise for this endeavor. Our faculty come from different backgrounds and Montessori training traditions, but we find common ground in shared ideas about education, our culture of learning, and joyful dedication to achievement. In coming together, we forge modern and innovative ways to expand the Montessori learning environment while respecting the rich history and philosophy of the Montessori Method.  To learn more about our academy, visit www.eaglemontessoriteachingacademy.com.

This podcasts supports the Eagle Montessori Teaching Academy, and serves to bring awareness of Montessori principles to all.

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