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Activities for Music and Movement: Part 1 Episode 10

Activities for Music and Movement: Part 1

· 11:02

The Power of the adult role model
  • The participation and modeling of teachers, parents, and caregivers are essential to a child’s musical growth. Adults are able to present the music and movements with enthusiasm because it is so much fun for them, too. The children absorb the adults’ passion and joy. Don’t worry about your skill level! They just want to sing with you and their friends!

0 - 3 Years
  • Language development
    • Pre-language; cooing, babbling, sing song
    • Toddlers are refining their language skills
  • Movement
    • Moving towards coordinated movement, development of psychomotor skills
  • Independence
    • Exploring, freedom to choose, crawling, walking
  • Sensorial experiences
    • Exploration of environment with mouth, hands, eyes, body
  • Absorbent Mind
    • Unconsciously absorbs everything in the environment


  • Auditory Discrimination
    • Identifying different voices, animal sounds, instrument sounds (games)
    • Rattles, percussion instruments (bells and egg shakers)

  • Instruments can be on a low shelf and available for use, in a basket or resting on the shelf
    • Care is taken so that instruments are safe for young children
  • Play games around the direction of sound, describing sounds, high and low sounds
  • Singing
    • Simple songs and melodies/folk songs and nursery rhymes
      • Lots of opportunities for repetition
    • Expression of self with singing
    • Loud, soft - volume and pitch
    • Timbre - listening to various types of music
  • Self-expression
    • Developing skills to express themselves
    • Singing, movement, dance, fingerplays, percussion, movement games
    • Listening to and playing music
      • Xylophone, non-pitched percussion instruments


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